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Quail Run strives to cultivate curious, erudite, and compassionate individuals through the exceptional International Baccalaureate (IB) program. This approach integrates language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies, all aligned to the IB philosophy. Additionally, Quail Run students benefit from specialized STEAM, Fine Arts (music/visual arts), physical education, and Spanish enrichment programs. 

Current Textbooks

Homework Policy

Under district attendance and excuse policy, it is the parent/guardian's responsibility to notify the school of an absence. We urge you to call the school absence line prior to 9:30 a.m. on the actual day of the absence. Guardian(s) will receive an automated phone dialer when their student is absent from school. Reach out to the classroom teacher, email or Voicelink, in order to receive homework; please give teachers 24 hours to fulfill the request.

Students arriving after 8:45 a.m. will be marked as tardy and will also be responsible for making up missed assignments. Late students should be escorted by a guardian and signed in at the front office. 
A student whose absences (excused/unexcused) totals more than 10% or 18 days of the school year and whose absences have affected academic progress may be retained due to the negative effect on the grade and may be cited and report to the courts (A.R.S. 15-802; A.R.S. 15-803).